Welcome to the Website of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Beauchief and St. Thomas of Canterbury

Our Parish Priest
Fr Clement Abah



  Fr Clement Abah was born on 23rd November 1977 in Nigeria, and was ordained as a Priest in the Diocese of Idah, Nigeria on 17th July 2004. He holds Degrees in both Philosophy and Theology. As well as working in various parishes in the Diocese of Idah, he has been the Diocesan Chaplain for the Mary League Association, the Precious Blood Association and the Catholic Women Organisation. He has been a Spiritual Director at a Seminary, as well as holding Director roles for Religious Education and Social Mobilisation. Fr Clement came to the Diocese of Hallam in September 2022. His favourite pastimes are singing, listening to good music, and playing the guitar.
Scrollable Parish News


"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink" ... In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." {NJB Matthew 25:35,40}

Food Banks need your support - all supermarkets have containers set aside for us to follow the Lord's commands to help others in their time of need.

Our Lady of Beauchief and St Thomas of Canterbury
S8 7UD


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Our Lady and St Thomas is located south of Sheffield City centre on the A61 in the suburb of Woodseats. Parking outside of the Church on Sunday mornings is restricted to blue-badge holders and to 1 hour before 12.00 on other days. Nearby street and supermarket parking is available.


The usual Public Masses in the Parish (with any key details) are listed below but always check the latest newsletter for any additional information.

Parish Public Masses

English Martyrs, the Chapel of Ease to
Our Lady of Beauchief and St Thomas of Canterbury
S17 4DR

Map Data licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (OdbL) Copyright and Licence

English Martyrs, Chapel of Ease, is located at the junction of the A621, 'Baslow Road', and 'The Crescent' in the village of Totley. There is a limited number of on-site parking spaces and there is local road-side parking.




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