The OLST Parish Outreach Group
Latest Parish Outreach News here.
“Give to Live 100 Club” : Monthly Draw starting February 2021
50% of each month’s takings will be transferred to the main Outreach account for distribution, while the remaining 50% will become the “PRIZE POT” and pay out 3 prizes.
1st Prize … 70% of prize pot, 2nd Prize … 20% of prize pot, 3rd Prize … 10% of prize pot
Read More Information: here
Download an Application Form: here |
The Outreach Group aims to help fulfil the parish covenant with the poor and commitment to justice and peace. We raise funds through the monthly Give to Live collection, parish raffle and events such as Coffee, Cakes and Cuttings. These funds are distributed directly to our local and overseas partners. We also aim to inform and educate parishioners about the ways in which our partners support those in need.
We welcome new members – if you are interested in helping us, or wish to receive the minutes of our monthly meeting, please contact Claire Parsons ( Send Email ) or speak to any Outreach member.
Grace Foodbank, one of Outreach’s local partners, provides food support and advice in S8 |
Why not collect your loose change for our ongoing Give to Live collection? You can bring the cash you collect to Church on the first weekend of every month.
Account Name : Diocese of Hallam Woodseats RC Parish
- Sort Code : 40-41-07
- A/C No : 73670198
- Cheques (made payable to OLST OUTREACH DIOCESE OF HALLAM ) or cash can be left at the presbytery addressed to “Outreach FAO Liz Mason” or can be posted to Paul Embley (Outreach Treasurer) c/o 29 Chantrey Road, Sheffield S8 8QU
You will find information in the parish newsletter about how we are supporting our partners on your behalf.
Recent Outreach Partners
The Outreach Story
Guidelines for Distribution of Outreach Funds (PDF)
Guidelines for Distribution of Outreach Funds (MS Word) |